[1.0.5] Romira's Banquet / Low life / Pure fire discharger with video - farm 73&75 maps
繁體中文版本請點這邊(Traditional Chinese Version)
大家好,我是小蓉。 :) 我已經看過幾個使用新傳奇 鑽石戒指的解放流玩法,但是最大的問題還是在如何快速得到藍球。舉例來說,如果使用傳奇暴擊得藍球的衣服,暴擊打到5隻怪是可以得到5個藍球的,這個傳奇戒指給的效果"不暴擊得到籃球"是-不管你打到幾隻怪,一次沒爆擊的攻擊動作只會得到一個藍球,就算一次打到10隻怪也一樣只有一顆籃球。 那靈武投擲骰好像不錯喔?他骰暴擊的判定是根據每隻怪的[1],但是超遺憾,丟一次靈武投擲還是只能得到一顆籃球。大部分的解放流不會去撐施法速度,因為施法速度幾乎不會影響解放的傷害。施法速度慢,用法術集球也會變很慢了,那到底什麼技能可以用呢?答案是燒盡~ 玩起來跟常見的解放流比起來真的會很不錯嗎? 麻煩大家往下看就了解了。 [1].關於靈武投擲的暴擊判定,可以參考我另一個玩法的第五點。(http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/570185) 1.優點 a.傷害很高 & 刷圖也超快 - 參考影片 b.可以給110%的詛咒效果。舉例來說,20等20品質的元素虛弱可以降65%元素抗性。(原本只有59%) c.不怕反傷。因為有吸血瞬回,火抗光環跟天賦也給6%最大抗,火抗可以到81%。 2.缺點 a.裝備不是很便宜。不過不用到穿複製裝喔 :P b.必須使用傳奇 瑪瑙護身符 項鍊。所以在NE和DO沒辦法玩這個玩法。 3.影片 a.農73圖。王有火抗跟元素抗性。 影片連結:http://youtu.be/ot7eluHqKB0 b.農75圖。地圖詞綴有免疫詛咒。 影片連結:http://youtu.be/FFUHZ6X77Tg 只用6顆紅球和藍球(沒綠球)一下就炸死王了。 ![]()
4.技能和連結 a.解放 5連 - 元素擴散 - 機率點燃 - 吸血 - 吸魔 6連 - 元素擴散 - 機率點燃 - 吸血 - 吸魔 - 火焰穿透 b.燒盡 4連 - 多數拋射 - 品質20的命中時詛咒 - 元素虛弱 5連 - 多數拋射 - 品質20的命中時詛咒 - 元素虛弱 - (快速施法 / 擊退) 6連 - 多數拋射 - 品質20的命中時詛咒 - 元素虛弱 - 快速施法 - 擊退 c.光環 能量護盾 - 2個元素抗性光環 開在血量 閃避 開在魔力 d.可選擇的技能搭配 雷光(Arc) - 雷光 - 熔岩護盾(等級7) - 受傷施放(等級1) 這個搭配可以在你受傷時幫你得到籃球,但他不是一定要裝。因為你還是可以用燒盡去得到籃球。 5.天賦樹 88點:http://goo.gl/cYG2oN 103點(影片中的天賦):http://goo.gl/nJbvVy 118點:http://goo.gl/Q7iLQx 6.盜賊任務建議 第一難度拿 +1 技能點 第二難度拿 +1 技能點 第三難度拿 +1 紅球 7.為什麼選燒盡來得到藍球? 大部分的法術基礎施法時間都是在 0.65秒 (冰霜賣衝、火花...)到 0.85秒(火球...),火雨還要1秒。燒盡的基礎施法時間是0.24秒,我增加施法時間是69%。所以燒盡的施法時間為0.14秒。只要花0.84秒就可以得到6個藍球。除此之外,這個玩法還不需要主動去放詛咒。 8.燒盡這樣串支援寶石,傷害好像很低? 這個玩法的傷害是來自解放。燒盡的主要功能是 快速得到籃球、擊退怪物、施放110%效果的詛咒。擊退拿來打近戰怪很有用,可以參考農73圖打Oak的影片。110%效果的元素虛弱可以降65%元素抗性。如果可以的話使用等級1品質20的燒盡最好。 9.天賦點烈火化身(avatar of fire),綠球和藍球會少50%傷害,值得嗎?
假設 紅球的基礎傷害 = De 綠球的基礎傷害 = Df 藍球的基礎傷害 = Dp %法傷/元素傷/範圍傷 = Sp = 82% ** 43%來自火杖 %火傷 = Fd = 54% + 38% = 92% 燃燒傷害加成 = B = 1 + %火傷加成 + %燃燒傷害加成 = 1 + (54% + 38%) + (60% + 70%) **** 54%和60%是天賦給的、38%和70%是裝備給的 = 3.22 燃燒時間 = 4秒 x (1+30%) = 5.2 秒 ** 30% 來自品質20的機率點燃 沒有點烈火化身 0秒 - 施放解放後 紅球的傷害 = De x [1 + Sp + Fd] = De x 2.74 = De* 綠球的傷害 = Df x [1 + Sp] = Df x 1.82 = Df* 藍球的傷害 = Dp x [1 + Sp] = Dp x 1.82 = Dp* 0 ~ 1 秒 - 燃燒階段 紅球的傷害 = De x 20% x B = De* x 0.644 綠球的傷害 = 0 藍球的傷害 = 0 從 0 ~ 5.2 秒的每秒傷害是跟 0 ~ 1 秒相同的 1秒造成的總傷害 = De* x 1.644 + Df* + Dp* 2秒造成的總傷害 = De* x 2.288 + Df* + Dp* 3秒造成的總傷害 = De* x 2.932 + Df* + Dp* 4秒造成的總傷害 = De* x 3.576 + Df* + Dp* 5秒造成的總傷害 = De* x 4.22 + Df* + Dp* 有點烈火化身 0秒 - 施放解放後 紅球的傷害 = De x [1 + Sp + Fd] = De x 2.74 = De* 綠球的傷害 = Df x 0.5 x [1 + Sp + Fd] = Df x 1.37 = Df* x 0.753 藍球的傷害 = Dp x 0.5 x [1 + Sp + Fd] = Dp x 1.37 = Dp* x 0.753 0 ~ 1 秒 - 燃燒階段 紅球的傷害 = De* x 20% x B = De* x 0.644 綠球的傷害 = [Df* x 0.753] x 0.644 = Df* x 0.485 藍球的傷害 = [Dp* x 0.753] x 0.644 = Dp* x 0.485 1秒造成的總傷害 = De* x 1.644 + Df* x 1.238 + Dp* x 1.238 <<< 1秒後造成的傷害已經比沒點烈火化身的時候多了 2秒造成的總傷害 = De* x 2.288 + Df* x 1.723 + Dp* x 1.723 3秒造成的總傷害 = De* x 2.932 + Df* x 2.208 + Dp* x 2.208 4秒造成的總傷害 = De* x 3.576 + Df* x 2.693 + Dp* x 2.693 5秒造成的總傷害 = De* x 4.22 + Df* x 3.178 + Dp* x 3.178 結論 烈火化身必點。 10.如何處理被冰凍跟鮮血狂怒造成的混沌傷 使用傳奇 月光石戒指 去抵銷鮮血狂怒的每秒混沌傷。使用解冰藥水防止被冰凍。 如果你打的圖有增加額外冰冷傷害,把月光石戒指換成免冰戒,然後不要開鮮血狂怒。 I have read some ideas about discharger with romira's banquet, but how to get power charges quickly is a major problem. First, we must understand "Gain a Power Charge on non-Critical Strike" mod is rolled on per-action basis, not per-monster. It means you would get only one power charge even if you hit many enemies. Critical strike of spectral throw is rolled on per-hit[1], but i felt sorry that "Gain a Power Charge on non-Critical Strike" mod is still rolled on per-action basis. So we didn't get power charges quickly by spectral throw. Most discharge builds didn't pick cast speed, because cast speed hardly affected the damage. well, which skill can make us get power charges quickly? The answer is Incinerate. Is the gameplay still good as the other discharge build? The detail is the following. [1].You can refer to fifth of another build. (http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/570185) 1.Advantage a.Huge damage and farm maps quickly. b.Offer the better curse effect. c.Can deal with elemental reflect because this build can own 81% max fire resistance and vaal pact. 2.Disadvantage a.The gears are more expansive. b.Must use Voll's Devotion. This build isn't viable in NE or DO league. 3.Video a.Farm 73 map. Boss owned fire and elemental resist. Link: http://youtu.be/ot7eluHqKB0 b.Farm 75 map with immune curses map mod. Link: http://youtu.be/FFUHZ6X77Tg One shot boss by 6 endurance charges and 6 power charges. ![]()
The gears in video
4.Skills & Links a.Discharge 5L - Elemental Proliferation - Chance to Ignite - Life leech - Mana leech 6L - Elemental Proliferation - Chance to Ignite - Life leech - Mana leech - Fire Penetration b.incinerate 4L - GMP - Q20 Curse on hit - Elemental weakness 5L - GMP - Q20 Curse on hit - Elemental weakness - (Faster casting / Knockback) 6L - GMP - Q20 Curse on hit - Elemental weakness - Faster casting - Knockback c.Aura Discipline - 2 elemental resistance aura (Purity of Fire, Ice, Lighting or Elements) at life. Grace at mana d.Optional skills Arc - Arc - Molten shell(Lv7) - Cast on Damage Taken(Lv1) Arc and molten shell can help you to get power charges, but it's not necessary. 5.Passive Tree 88 points: http://goo.gl/cYG2oN 103 points(in video): http://goo.gl/nJbvVy 118 points: http://goo.gl/Q7iLQx 6.The Suggestion of the Bandit Quests +1 passive skill point in normal +1 passive skill point in cruel +1 endurance charges(help oak) in merciless 7.why choose incinerate skill to get power charges? Basic cast time of most spell skills is from 0.65 (frezee pulse, spark...) to 0.85 (fireball...). Basic cast time of incinerate is 0.24 sec. My % increased cast speed is 69%. Cast time of incinerate = 0.14 sec. It means i can get 6 power charges for 0.84 sec. Besides, this build didn't need to cast curse actively. 8.Did the damage of the incinerate seem very low? The damage of this build is from discharge. The main functions of the incinerate are to get power charges quickly, knock enemies back and cast a curse with 110% effect. Knock enemies back can counter the melee enemies.(refer to 73 map boss in video) Lv20 Q20 elemental weakness with 110% effect will make monsters lose 65% Elemental Resistance. The best skill gem is Lv1 Q20 incinerate. 9.Is it worthy to pick avatar of fire?
Analyse. click here
Assume Basic damage from endurance charges = De Basic damage from frenzy charges = Df Basic damage from power charges = Dp % increased spell/ele/area damage = Sp = 82% *** 43% from searing touch % increased fire damage = Fd = 54% + 38% = 92% Burning Bounus = B = 1 + % increased fire damage + % increased burning damage = 1 + (54% + 38%) + (60% + 70%) *** 54% & 60% from passive tree, 38% & 70% from searing touch [103 points] = 3.22 ignite duration = 4 sec x (1+30%) = 5.2 sec ** 30% from Q20 chance to ignite Without avatar of fire 0 sec - After casting discharge Damage from endurance charges = De x [1 + Sp + Fd] = De x 2.74 = De* Damage from frenzy charges = Df x [1 + Sp] = Df x 1.82 = Df* Damage from power charges = Dp x [1 + Sp] = Dp x 1.82 = Dp* 0 ~ 1 sec - Burning stage Damage from endurance charges = De* x 20% x B = De* x 0.644 Damage from frenzy charges = 0 Damage from power charges = 0 Damage per second from 0 ~ 5.2 sec is same as damage from 0 ~ 1 sec. Total damage during 1 second = De* x 1.644 + Df* + Dp* Total damage during 2 seconds = De* x 2.288 + Df* + Dp* Total damage during 3 seconds = De* x 2.932 + Df* + Dp* Total damage during 4 seconds = De* x 3.576 + Df* + Dp* Total damage during 5 seconds = De* x 4.22 + Df* + Dp* With avatar of fire 0 sec - After casting discharge Damage from endurance charges = De x [1 + Sp + Fd] = De x 2.74 = De* Damage from frenzy charges = Df x 0.5 x [1 + Sp + Fd] = Df x 1.37 = Df* x 0.753 Damage from power charges = Dp x 0.5 x [1 + Sp + Fd] = Dp x 1.37 = Dp* x 0.753 0 ~ 1 sec - Burning stage Damage from endurance charges = De* x 20% x B = De* x 0.644 Damage from frenzy charges = [Df* x 0.753] x 0.644 = Df* x 0.485 Damage from power charges = [Dp* x 0.753] x 0.644 = Dp* x 0.485 Total damage during 1 second = De* x 1.644 + Df* x 1.238 + Dp* x 1.238 <<< Do more damage from 1st second. Total damage during 2 seconds = De* x 2.288 + Df* x 1.723 + Dp* x 1.723 Total damage during 3 seconds = De* x 2.932 + Df* x 2.208 + Dp* x 2.208 Total damage during 4 seconds = De* x 3.576 + Df* x 2.693 + Dp* x 2.693 Total damage during 5 seconds = De* x 4.22 + Df* x 3.178 + Dp* x 3.178 Conclusion It's very worthy to pick avatar of fire in this build. 10.How to deal with frozen and chaos damage from blood rage Use shavronne's revelation to counter chaos damage from blood rage. Use a flask with dispels frozen mod to counter frozen. If you run maps with extra damage as cold, use dreamfrag and don't cast blood rage. Completed all challenges in OB and shared my experience. thread/464722 ST Crit Dagger/Discharge build: thread/570185 Freeze! trap build & one of the best party builds: thread/669129 Low life EK scion/MF/block: thread/684037 CI Flameblast/Infernal Mantle Burning Witch: thread/721079 Last edited by miraio#0681 on Jan 25, 2014, 3:38:22 AM
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I really like the look of this build... That said holy crap are those some expensive items!
Reaper_of_Souls_ |
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" Thanks. :) Completed all challenges in OB and shared my experience. thread/464722 ST Crit Dagger/Discharge build: thread/570185 Freeze! trap build & one of the best party builds: thread/669129 Low life EK scion/MF/block: thread/684037 CI Flameblast/Infernal Mantle Burning Witch: thread/721079 Last edited by miraio#0681 on Jan 25, 2014, 1:45:08 AM
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About avatar of fire
The damage of endurance charge isn't changed after picking avatar of fire. It didn't affect fire damage. In 9th point, you can see the damage of the endurance charges with avatar of fire is same as the build without avatar of fire. The difference is the the damage of the frenzy charges and power charges. The build with avatar of fire can do the more damage. The damage have won after first burning tick (first second after casting discharge). Df* = the damage of the frenzy charges without avatar of fire You can see the damage of the frenzy charges with avatar of fire is triple(3.174) during 5 seconds. The damage of the power charges with avatar of fire is same. If you don't pick avatar of fire, you will lose much damage. Completed all challenges in OB and shared my experience. thread/464722 ST Crit Dagger/Discharge build: thread/570185 Freeze! trap build & one of the best party builds: thread/669129 Low life EK scion/MF/block: thread/684037 CI Flameblast/Infernal Mantle Burning Witch: thread/721079 Last edited by miraio#0681 on Jan 25, 2014, 2:15:29 AM
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Very nice. I'm impressed !
Shadow : Covenant Pulser (504561)
Ranger : 12 charges Frenzy Archer (65154), Dual Claws Elemental ST (709126) Witch : Self-Cast Arc Tanky Witch (770185), AoF EK/Bear trap (863970) Templar : Frenzy + AB/Fireball "Cast on Crit" Wander (611200) Marauder : Death Oath Staff User (498864) |
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I figured it out.
IGN Reaper_of_Souls_ Last edited by Jonb33331#4493 on Jan 26, 2014, 9:00:43 PM
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I figured it out... Wow im dumb lol
IGN Reaper_of_Souls_ Last edited by Jonb33331#4493 on Jan 26, 2014, 8:56:57 PM
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If high level map bosses can be done with one shoot. It seens no need avatar of fire. The higher original dmg maybe have more efficiency. Because it doesnt take time on buring. Your Build is good. Just an idea with it. And I am going to farm harder for the ring. :)
Last edited by SetzerLin#7328 on Jan 29, 2014, 2:53:26 AM
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why taking RT? Incinerate will not cit. that is waste of 2 points there .
IGN coolshadower, lightingking
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U dont use Flambility and Warlord mark?
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